The Americans is a television series, created by Joe Weisberg, a former FBI officer turned screenwriter, which premiered on January 30, 2013, on the GX Networld. It is a 1980s Cold War drama about a couple of Soviet KGB officers who have been trained to impersonate an American couple.
Season One[]
Main Cast[]
- Keri Russell as Elizabeth Jennings / Nadezhda
- Matthew Rhys as Philip Jennings / Mikhail
- Holly Taylor as Paige Jennings
- Keidrich Sellati as Henry Jennings
- Noah Emmerich as FBI Agent Stan Beeman
- Maximiliano Hernández as FBI Agent Chris Amador
Supporting Cast[]
- Annet Mahendru as Nina Krilova, Agent Beeman's Soviet mole/double agent
- Susan Misner as Sandra Beeman, Stan's wife
- Daniel Flaherty as Matthew Beeman, Stan's son
- Richard Thomas as Agent Frank Gaad, director of FBI Counter-Intelligence
- Alison Wright as Martha Hanson, Agent Gaad's secretary and "Clark's" agent
- Margo Martindale as Claudia, the Jennings' KGB handler.
- Peter Von Berg as Vasili Nikolaevich, KGB Rezident
- Lev Gorn as Arkady Ivanovich, KGB Security Director and later Rezident
- Derek Luke as Gregory Thomas, a former civil rights activist and Elizabeth's agent who had a relationship with her
Season Two[]
Main Cast[]
- Keri Russell as Elizabeth Jennings / Nadezhda
- Matthew Rhys as Philip Jennings / Mikhail
- Holly Taylor as Paige Jennings
- Keidrich Sellati as Henry Jennings
- Noah Emmerich as FBI Agent Stan Beeman
- Susan Misner as Sandra Beeman, Stan's wife
- Annet Mahendru as Nina Krilova, Agent Beeman's Soviet mole/double agent
- Alison Wright as Martha Hanson, Agent Gaad's secretary and "Clark's" agent
Supporting Cast[]
- Daniel Flaherty as Matthew Beeman, Stan's son
- Richard Thomas as Agent Frank Gaad, director of FBI Counter-Intelligence
- Margo Martindale as Claudia, the Jennings' KGB handler.
- Lev Gorn as Arkady Ivanovich, KGB Rezident
- Costa Ronin as Oleg Burov, the Embassy's Science and Technology Officer
- Mail Robot
Title Sequence[]
For images and explanations of the opening credits title sequence, see Title Sequence.
"Rise Comrades" | "Parallax" |
"Short Wave" | "Sniper" |
"Rappel" | "Front" |
Season One Promo - Parenting 101 |
Promo 1 | "Secret Spies" |
"Elizabeth" | "All is Fair in Love and Cold War" |